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Faith Formation 3

 At-Home Component for Faith Formation


Our Faith Formation on Wednesdays and Sundays follows a “flipped model” for teaching the faith to children. Students attend in person classes for community and to be engaged on a heart level. For example, Kids Club might spend a great time in person learning the books of the Bible song and memorizing it in person – or other methods not typical of something you would find just through a typical religious education book-based curriculum. 

The goal is to be fun and engaging in person and connect the faith to the heart of each child and individual participating which creates the desire and motivation to go deeper with the At Home Component. 

The importance of the At Home Component is to give parents and their child(ren) the framework to go through many aspects of the faith they might not otherwise talk about in depth. It opens the space and time for children to ask important questions. Parents often find that a child had a misunderstanding that goes undetected simply in the busyness of the day-to-day routine. Parents also report a greater deepening of their own faith through their child’s experience of learning and through teaching the faith to their child. 

Grades 1 through 6 and RCIC: The curriculum we have chosen for the At Home Component is called Word of Life, and is produced in partnership with Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press. For an overview and sample pages, please visit: 

Parents are encouraged to utilize both the physical and digital student workbook. The parent portal/sign in will allow parents to see a child’s progress for each session. This curriculum also gives us unlimited access to everything on (great stuff for kids AND adults). 

Grades 7 and 8: This year (2023-2024) we will send home a suggested media list from to use with your son/daughter at home. We ask for your best effort to complete the monthly assignment as given. 

All parents regardless of grade level of your child(ren) will receive a short in person training and explanation for the At Home Component and in September (see calendar for details).